Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Google's Plan to Digitize Books is Rejected

Google's plan was to digitize every book that has been published and make them available on the internet and a Judge rejected the $125 million decision. The Judge Denny Chin said the plan would make Google be "de facto monopoly" and receiving profits from books without permission from copyright owners would cause a problem. Some authors and publishers agreed with Google's plan because it would give their books a chance to be in the digital world. Overall it could hurt some and Google could the benefits from it all.

I understand Google's idea to put all of its books in the web to benefit the millions of people who need those books for many reasons, but I do agree with the judge that it could cause a lot of problems with publishers and authors who may not know that Google is using their books. I think Google should just leave it alone and people can get access to books the normal way.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Detroit Plans to Avoid Closing Schools

Previously in Detroit, Michigan, state education officials ordered the financial manager for Detroit public schools to close 41 schools to save money and reduce the city's deficit by $327 million. Now a new plan has been made to keep more schools from closing by getting local and national groups and charter operators to run its schools.

Detroit is in very much debt and I think finding better ways to stop the schools from closing. Some people may have been upset to find out that over 40 schools are closing but now officials are finding ways to keep schools open by finding others ways of funding so students have a better chance of getting an education. There is going to be a lot of work and changes that will be going on in Detroit for the next few years and schools and education should be one of its priorities to get the state out of debt.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Schools Get 9 million for Wireless Internet

In Washington FCC officials are giving $9 million to schools so students can get access to internet outside the classroom. The program called "Learning On the Go", will pay for wireless connections for laptops, smart phones and other devices that students can take with them after school ends. The funding will help students who are in low-income families access to books, homework assignments and many other materials for school. The program will help students in 14 states for 2011-2012 school year.

The funding will be for elementary and high school students in New Orleans and wireless cards for high school boys from low income families in Philadelphia and Smart-phone access for students with ADD in Canton Ohio. The money will go to Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, California, New Mexico and Iowa.

I think it's a great idea to help students because now teachers are asking for papers and projects that students need access to the internet to do. With low-income families the last bill they need to pay is for the internet, so I think it's a great way to help students get access to laptops and internet without having to stay at school or go to the library to do "homework". I'm sure there will be some negatives to the program but in all it sounds like a great idea.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Internet & WikiLeaks Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Internet and Wiki-leaks, which are being used more and more by people all over the world and now they may have a chance at winning the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, among 241 other nominees. Eligible nominees can be professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology as well as national governments and former winners.

The internet was nominated for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize and is nominated again. The reason internet is nominated this year, is said to be it's huge role in starting rebellion in countries such as Libya, Tunisia and Egypt. The committee doesn't announce the nominees but the people who submit suggestions for the nominees are allowed to reveal them. The winners will be announced in October 2011.

I think it's amazing that something not someone is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, I think its a great idea to give credit to the Internet and the countless things that it has done for giving people knowledge and freedom to express themselves.
But I really don't understand how the internet can physically win the award; I researched what the winner of the Prize receives and the winner gets a medal, a diploma, the title of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and 10 million Swedish crowns (or over 1.4 million in U.S. dollars). So, how will the Internet be able to accept the award since it physically can't go get it itself? Who will accept the award on the Internet's behalf? We shall find out in October.
